February 18, 2024

Updated on @today regarding the recent change on using miniforge.

1. Login

You need UVa VPN to access Rivanna. The standard one “UVa Anywhere” should work. Then, login to the server using the following command

ssh [computing-ID]@rivanna.hpc.virginia.edu

with the password for your computing ID.

To avoid any unexpected interruption on the configuration process, we can use a tmux session

tmux new -s llmtuning 

In case of any interruption, we can log back in using the following command and continue the configuration

tmux a -t llmtuning

2. Load Modules

Before running anything, you need to load some relevant modules as you did in the CS department servers. For Rivanna, the module names are slightly different

module load cuda cudnn tmux miniforge

Using the following command to identify the version of cuda that was loaded via the previous command

module avail cuda

The result on my side is

Screenshot 2024-02-18 at 11.47.36 AM.png

That means the loaded version is cuda/12.2.2.

Another way to figure out the cuda version is to use the following command after load the cuda and cudnn modules