June 7, 2023

Updated on February 20, 2024

1. Login

You need UVa VPN to access Rivanna. The standard one “UVa Anywhere” should work. Then, login to the server using the following command

ssh [computing-ID]@rivanna.hpc.virginia.edu

with the password for your computing ID

2. Load Modules

Before running anything, you need to load some relevant modules as you did in the CS department servers. For Rivanna, the module names are slightly different

module load anaconda cuda cudnn

2.2 Configure the Bash Shell

The first time you login, it may ask you to pick a shell. For linux systems, by default, I recommend bash.

The default Bash configuration looks a little strange to me, so I did the following changes in my local .bashrc to make it similar to other bash shell

PS1="\\u@rivanna:\\W\\$ "

3. Allocations

While you are running experiments on Rivanna, keep an eye on the remaining credits left. You can find out the latest remaining credits, by using the following command


4. Slurm

Here is an example slurm script that I used to run the some LLM evaluation